Green audit

A green audit evaluates the green performance of an industrial company’s production process and draws up a roadmap of priority actions for the transition to a circular economy, supported with up to €200 000.

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supported green audit with 10 measures


KHG calculations for different production processes

Description of the service

What is green audit?

What is green audit?

A green audit evaluates company’s green performance, defines the circularity of the business, identifies weaknesses and proposes possible solutions. The green audit produces a roadmap which sets development priorities for the next two years.

What does green audit consist of?

What does green audit consist of?
  • A map of the company’s green capabilities (business strategy, management systems, product development and design management practices needed to adopt circular economy principles) and proposals to improve them.
  • Analysis of the circularity of business activities (business model, production, products and services) and their growth potential, with proposals (for the adoption of more climate-neutral practices and the transition to a low-carbon economy).
  • An assessment of the prioritization of development goals as an input to the baseline and the evaluation of the activity(ies).
  • Duration, sequencing and minimum 2-year action plan for the development activity(ies).
  • Do No Significant Harm (DNSH) Assessment of prioritised development activities.

Our experience

Our experience

Energex employs specialists in a wide range of fields – including heat, automation, environment, finance and law. We have a wide range of experience in energy and resource audits, development plans and other analyses. Therefore, we can provide your company with effective solutions. Green roadmap will need to map activities with a very different profile, which is why we can use our different expertise to achieve the best result for your company. In addition, we can assist throughout the development process, from the creation of the roadmap to the grant application and DNSH. 

Our competitive advantage

Our competitive advantage

Our competitive advantage is that we are not an agent for any product or service – so we can guarantee our audit neutrality and we will find solutions that are suitable for your business.

Grant for the audit

Grant for the audit

From autumn 2022, industrial companies registered in the Estonian Business Register will be able to apply for audit grant. The amount of the grant will be up to 70% of the cost of the audit or a maximum of €10 000.

Read more here: Green audit

Grant for the implementation of the investment

Grant for the implementation of the investment

It is also possible to apply for a grant for development activities resulting from a roadmap drawn up on the basis of a green audit. Up to 70% of the cost of the development, or a maximum of EUR 200 000, will be subsidized. The rate of self-financing is at least 30%, depending on the type of grant and the location of the business.

The project may last up to 18 months to carry out the development activities but all activities must be completed by 31.12.2025 at the latest.

Eligible activities for grants:

  • Process-oriented activities (development of environmental input information systems, integration into production) and/or product development (materials, products, services) -> salaries, equipment/machinery, travel, materials/supplies, services purchased.
  • Training on sustainable development, circular economy, circular design and climate impact and its reduction.
  • Consulting services.
  • Certification, patents (e.g. BREEAM, EPD, LEED, etc.).
  • Creating new jobs.

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